..Jæja ég var nú ekki búin að tjá gleði mína á því að það hafðist loksins að sækja um skilríkin um daginn þar sem ég var komin með í hendurnar vegabréf, ökuskírteini, 8 passamyndir (með nærmynd af eyranu), pappíra með persónuupplýsingum frá sýsluskrifstofunni fyrir bæði mig og sænskan ríkisborgara sem var með í för sem treysti sér til að staðfesta að ég væri ég. Eftir alla þessa vinnu beið ég bara þolinmóð eftir skilríkjunum.. en í dag þá brást sú þolinmæði. Ég fékk bréf í pósti, 2 vikum síðar, um að þeir þakklátir fyrir að hafa móttekið umsókn mína og að nú ætli þeir að byrja að vinna í þessu! Svo ég fékk að gera mér ferð í bankann enn einu sinni og meira segja borga 700 kr bara fyrir að fá að borga reinkingana mína, þetta kerfi er algert æði!
En svona aðeins jákvæðari hlutir þá er farið að telja niður í prófum.. og viti menn það er bara 1 próf til jóla;)
Úr einu í annað þá voru þeir félagar mínir sem eru ekki vel að sér í Íslenskri tungu sko ekki sáttir við það tungumál sem ég hef valið að blogga á svo hér eftir verð ég að skrifa af og til á útlensku...
For Non-Icelandic speakers...
Due to many requests from those of you who don´t understand a shit in Icelandic and are not as ambitious as Magnus in trying to at least, I´ll try to write in English once in a while.
So to start with, for those of you who don´t know.. I live in Lund at the moment (and most likely for the next 5 years..) which is in Sweden but so close to Denmark that I can see our friends in Copenhagen from my house (or actually from the top of the hill beside my house.. and to be honest, I don´t put effort into climbing up that hill often to take a look) Anyways, the city is full of students and offers endless possibilities to party for those who like (and believe me no Flekke rules here)
To sum up the Icelandic part belove... than one of the most important things I have learned during my stay in Sweden is that
you should not bike on the ice.. which is actually quite related to Anna Garner´s famous qoute
"Don´t walk on the ice!" wich finally sort of makes sense to me now;) You basically go everywere by bike here in Lund, and once I was on my way to school and suddenly came to a boy who had slipped off his bike in the middle of the bike path. After I looked down by my feet and saw the icy-reflecting asphalt..I had 2 choices: I could basically ride over the boy which would hurt for him, or brake which would most likely cause myself to slip. Well I took the second choice.. the worse one, as we were now 2 ppl lying on the middle of the road.. 4 ppl behind us had to make the same decision as I... bike or brake?.. and it seems like the all of us made the same stupid mistake to brake. In the end we were 6 ppl lying in a pile with our bikes sliding on the ice around us. It was so hilarious that I wished that I had a video camera.. but once I managed to stop laughing I realized that it actually really hurt!
My second experience here was that to be able to get internet access to my bank account I first had to apply for a Swedish ID-number (where they additionally decided all by themselves to move my legal residence to Sweden), then I needed a swedish ID-card which costed me 3 visits to the office... a photo of my ear in close up which is apparetnly the most important thing to be able recognise me, a Swedish citizen which was able to prove that I was I as well as a specific identification from the town hall for both me and the Swedish witness since my passport was not valid as an identification! I really felt like I was back to service-minded Norway! However.. it´s in progress so I´ll hopefully be able to pick up my packages to the post office from now on without having to bring my passport where they don´t accept my international driver´s lisence as an ID there.
At the moment I having exams (one hell of flashback to the IB) but having serious problems concentrating where I am counting down the days to Christmas... ahh how nice it will be!
So I can sort of predict my brake right now... humm.. eat good food a´la mama, sleep, no studying, eat more, relax more umm;) Then in the end of my brake 3 of my friends from here are coming to visit me in Iceland and since it will be the darkest part of the year I guess we can exclude most exotic nature sightseeings and introduce them to the Reykjavík nightlife instead.. which should be fun. So for those of you who do more talking about coming take them as a good example and make it happen;) If not to Iceland, then come to Lund!
Well, I´ll be back here on the 12th of Jan so if you´re around, come by.
Time to study now.. I´ll update again later, ciao for now!